SA Kihnu Kultuuriruum osaleb uues ja huvitavas rahvusvahelises projektis!

Booklet Erasmus UNESCO



Summary LATVIA




Summary ITALY


2020. a sügisel sai alguse rahvusvaheline ERASMUS + projekt: Network of UNESCO Cultural Spaces ehk UNESCO kultuuriruumide võrgustiku projekt.
Projekti koostööpartneriteks on 8 organisatsiooni Euroopa riikidest – nendeks on Läti, Põhja-Makedoonia Vabariik, Gruusia, Itaalia, Horvaatia ja Portugal ja Eesti, kust osalevad SA Kihnu Kultuuriruum ja MTÜ Setomaa Turism. Projekti peamine eestvedaja on Läti ja selle kestvuseks on arvestatud 2 aastat, kuid koroonapandeemia tõttu võib üle 250 tuhande kogueelarvega projekt pikeneda kuni 3 aastani.
Selle projekti eesmärk on erinevate partnerite vahel ühendada jõud, jagada oma kodukoha ja riigi kogemusi teistele osapooltele. Soovitakse näidata, miks ollakse UNESCOS, mis on tõelised väärtused ja kui suur on kohalike soov seda kõike väärtuslikku elus hoida ja kaitsta ning mida selleks iga päev tehakse.
Projekti osapooled on kõik vähemal või rohkemal määral seotud UNESCO vaimse kultuuripärandiga ning just neid teadmisi, oskusi ja kogemusi soovitakse teineteisele edasi anda ja loomulikult ka ise teiste kogemustest õppida.
Projekti peamine eesmärk saavutatakse erinevate tegevustega: kavas on korraldada 7 lühiajalist personali ühist koolitusüritust kõigis mitmekülgse programmiga partnerriikides, et anda osalejatele terviklik ülevaade olukorrast igas riigis ICH valdkonnas.
Projekti käigus loodetakse välja töötada mitu väljundit:
1. Kõigi partnerite sihtrühmadega töötavate metoodikate ja lähenemisviiside kokkuvõte;
2. Koostatakse internetipõhine voldik: koostööpartnerite heade tavade ühised näited.
Väljatöötatud materjalid muudetakse projektipartnerite veebisaitidel tasuta prinditavateks ja veebipõhiselt kättesaadavaks.
Sihtasutus (Ethnic Culture Centre Suiti) Lätist koordineeriva partnerina jälgib kõigi projektipartnerite organisatsioonide projektitegevuste üldist juhtimist ja rakendamist. Samuti nähakse ette, et iga partnerorganisatsioon loob kohaliku projektijuhtimismeeskonna.
Kavandatud on ka erinevad levitamistegevused, sealhulgas kohalikud seminarid kuues partnerriigis ja konverents Lätis, kus projekti tulemusi tutvustatakse laiemale publikule. Lisaks on kavas kasutada sotsiaalmeediat (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) ja partnerite veebisaite, et teavitada kõiki sidusrühmi projekti saavutustest ja edendada väljatöötatud materjale.
UNESCO ühendatud organisatsioonide võrgustik annab ainulaadse võimaluse liituda erinevate inimestega väga erinevatest riikidest ja kultuuridest, et edendada märkimisväärset osa Euroopa kultuuripärandist.
Euroopa on kogu maailmas tunnustatud rikkalike kultuuriväärtuste ja vaimse kultuuripärandi poolest. Kultuuripärand on omaette väärtus, mis kasvatab rahvuslikku enesekindlust ja tunnet, et kuulutakse oma riiki, regiooni ja piirkonda.
Ees on ootamas väga põnevad aastad, palju uusi teadmisi, kogemusi ja avastusi!

Network of UNESCO Cultural Spaces, No. 2020-1-LV01-KA204- 077559

Europe is recognizable worldwide for its rich cultural values including intangible cultural heritage (ICH) – the knowledge, practices and traditions of European citizens. The importance of ICH was legally recognized with the Convention for the Safeguarding of the ICH adopted by UNESCO General Conference in 2003. Cultural heritage is a value in itself that builds national self-confidence and a sense of belonging to a region, country and part of the world, but, in addittion, the safeguarding of the ICH contributes to different aspects of sustainable development of different regions in Europe – remote, rural and also urban territories.
The project partners are 8 experienced organisations of seven European countries:
– Latvia (Ethnic Culture Centre Suiti Foundation – Lead partner in the project),
– Estonia (Kihnu Cultural Space Foundation and NGO Setomaa Tourism),
– The Republic of North Macedonia (ICTM National Committee of Macedonia),
– Georgia (Georgian Arts and Culture Center),
– Croatia (Gacko pucko otvoreno uciliste Otocac),
– Portugal (Munícipio de Idanha-a-Nova) .
All partners, representing different cultural values recognised by UNESCO, have created a partnership, supported by many associated partners – to join forces and share experience from several countries in order to provide better understanding of what are the best ways and methods to channel the knowledge to those who need it – people practising UNESCO included traditions. Most of these partners have cooperated before, including Erasmus+ programme Startegic partnerships project.

Project partners are of different size and scope, yet they share similar aims and target groups. Practitioners of the ICH elements as well as staff of participating organisations are direct project target groups. All organisations have long-term experience of working with them in each country and impelementing various, national and EU co-financed projects.

The main project objective will be achieved by different activities.
In order to exchange methods, approaches and best practices among participating organizations and countries, seven Short-term joint staff training events are envisaged to take place in all partner countries with diverse program to give participants a comprehensive picture of the situation in each country in the field of ICH.
During the course of the project, it is expected to develop several outputs:
1.The Summary of methodologies and approaches working with target groups of all partners;
2. Joint good practise examples booklet.
The developed materials will be made printable and available online for public at the project partners’ web sites free of charge.
Ethnic Culture Centre Suiti Foundation as the Coordinating partner will oversee the overall management and implementation of project activities by all project partner organisations. It is also envisaged that each partner organisation will set up a local project management team. Issues pertaining to project implementation and achievement of expected project results are planned to be discussed with partners during five transnational project meetings.
Various dissemination activities are also envisaged, including local seminars in 6 partner countries and conference in Latvia where project results will be presented to a broader audience. In addition, it is also planned to make use of social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and partners’ web sites to inform all stakeholders about achievements in the project and to promote the developed materials.

The education of practitioners of ICH will be improved directly through such project activities as created educational materials, conference and seminars, but also indirectly – through capacity building of the partner organisations – adult educators. As a result of the training events staff of the partner organisations – adult educators – will gain fresh ideas, different perspectives and exchange methodology and approaches. Impact on partnering organisations is expected as well: opportunity to network at a transnational level, exchange of best practice supporting organisational learning. Due to the different project partners the project will also provide an opportunity to draw conclusions on the role that cultural heritage can play within sustainable rural and urban development. Cultural heritage and sustainable cultural tourism contributes to improved income and job opportunities. The project has a direct beneficial effect to safeguarding and promotion of European cultural heritage.
The network of UNESCO united organisations will give the unique opportunity to join different people from very different countries and cultures to promote significant part of European cultural heritage. The public authorities in the field of ICH, organisations (adult educators) and practitioners of ICH as well as many associated project partners working in the field of ICH – stakeholders at all levels- will be involved in one large network. This approach is innovative in the field of ICH.
Project duration is from 01.11.2020. – 31.10.2022. (it can be extended, due to Covid-19 situation in the Europe), total budget 250 472 euro.


UNESCO kultūrtelpu tīkls 2020



UNESCO pärimuskultuuri meistriteos – Kihnu Kultuuriruum!

Kihnu Kultuuriruum SA
Metsamaa, Rootsiküla Kihnu vald Pärnumaa 88004
telefon +372 513 4555 / kultuuriruum [at]
a/a EE151010220026854013 (SEB)

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